Saturday 14 June 2008

Mitchell seeks solution to "nuclear waste timebomb"

Ken Mitchell recently visited the site of a proposed underground deep disposal facility for high to medium level nuclear waste (pictured). "We must take seriously the risk of this material getting into the wrong know who I mean".

Spokesman Olex Barroll of the British Nuclear Group warmly welcomed Ken's proposals "Ahh yes these plans would be a real boon to the local economy". Other politicians have been arguing for purpose made geological solutions but Ken believes the easiest, quickest and most cost effective solution is to dispose of it in the natural cave formations in the Yorkshire Dales. When questioned on his rationale Ken replied "Well it is relatively close to Sellafield and it saves a lot of bother having to dig a new system of caves. Lets face it if we were in Austria or Germany they would have this built and commissioned in the time it takes to make a cuppa. Sure their may be a few irradiated pot-holers and the locals may get a bit anxious when the plans are revealed, but isn't that what a dictatorship is for?"

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